Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad — for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world” (1 Peter 4:12-13, NLT).

Remember the story of Joseph and his “coat of many colors”? Actually, what made his coat so special was not in its colors, rather it was what the coat represented. In Hebrew, the “colors” actually refer to the IMPORTANCE of the coat.

Joseph’s father Jacob had given the coat to Joseph because it represented the mantel of authority of Jacob. This was the passing of authority from one generation to the next – it was a VERY BIG DEAL!

What this said to Joseph’s brothers was that their youngest brother had been placed in authority OVER them! That honor was supposed to go to the oldest brother, Judah. The brothers did not like this and they hated Joseph for it. And you know the rest of the story…

~ The brothers threw Joseph into a well. But Joseph knew that God was with him and had a plan for good somewhere down the road.

~ The brothers sold Joseph to traveling traders. But Joseph knew that God was with him.

~ He was sold as a slave to an Egyptian. But Joseph knew that God was with him.

~ He was framed and imprisoned. But Joseph knew that God was with him.

~ He was summoned before Pharaoh. But Joseph knew that God was with him.

Finally, Joseph proved his worth by speaking the words of God to Pharaoh, and so he rose up to become the second in command of all of Egypt. This led him to be able to save the Israelites from famine and the complete reconciliation of he and his family.

God had a plan for Joseph all along, but my-oh-my, the trials and suffering that Joseph had to endure before God’s plan could be revealed! But, through it all, Joseph didn’t worry about what might happen each day. Instead, he kept his eyes on the BIG PICTURE of God, even though he didn’t have a clue of what God was ultimately going to do. Joseph kept hope because he KNEW that God was with him each step of the way… no matter what.

What are we going through? What are we in the middle of that makes us think that all hope is lost? A relationship falling apart? The loss of a loved one? The loss of a job? Financial woes that won’t go away?

Like Joseph, if we keep our eyes on God and work to honor Him in all that we do, we can be CONFIDENT that he will bring us THROUGH THE FIRE and into to the safety of His arms. This is where HOPE is coupled with TRUST, and both come through our FAITH IN JESUS.

David McCall

Executive Pastor