Thank you, God. You have allowed me to be here today walking the white sand beaches of Orange Beach, Alabama. It is a wonderful feeling knowing I’m able walk on the beach and experience your creations.

Right now, there’s a red flag out which means the water has high surf and strong currents. And I can see that it is. The tide running in and out as well as hearing the crashing waves. It’s dangerous and needs to be heeded and respected. Yet it’s beautiful and calming.

I think of myself and my relationship with You. I think of how You created me. You know me, and You called me. I’m thankful for that. Sometimes life is dangerous with its crashing waves of disappointment, challenging events and uncertainty in the world. There is so much happening and it’s easy to be afraid. There are those red flags that warn us and make us aware of the dangers that are out there.

But I remember also the waves and the tides, and the moon that makes the tides; this too is your creation. And that means they are under Your control. I also take comfort in knowing that I have a relationship with you and You with me.

So, the red flags in my life are taken care of when I pray to You and hear from You. I acknowledge that you are in control of my life.

There will always be situations in our lives that we cannot handle and we don’t understand. But Jesus did tell us that this life will not be easy. Let’s keep focused on Jesus because not all our days will have red flags, and when they do have red flags, we don’t have to fear them because our God is a God of Hope.

I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world” (John 16:33 HCSB).

Toni Ceglia