Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh”(Genesis 2:24, NKJV).

In His Word, the Bible, God has given us wise counsel on how to be financially free, how to be good parents, how to be good friends, how to be good stewards of our environment, and how to LOVE HIM and LOVE EACH OTHER. If we all followed HIS PLAN, we wouldn’t see all the hurt and strife that this world brings to bear upon us.

God even has a PLAN FOR SEX. Sexual intimacy is the pinnacle of our manifestation of God’s Love as shown through our most cherished relationship. At least, it should be – that is His Plan.

Sex is a RELATIONSHIP. It involves two people and once done, cannot be undone and the experience is carried forward forever.

Sex is INTIMATE. It requires the giving and taking of, what is meant to be, the deepest sharing of self that is humanly possible.

Sex is a REFLECTION. God designed sex as the manifestation of our unity with Him. Jesus is the groom and we are the brides of Christ. This is NOT a trifling matter!

God has a way for us to HONOR HIM FIRST in this most basic element of human identity. When we use sex outside of HIS INTENDED PURPOSES, we cheapen each other and ourselves, and especially cheapen what God has purposed for the enrichment of marriage.

This is a difficult subject to talk about. Passions can run high! We all have our own opinions of what sex is and what sex means. But, do we really know all that God intended for the intimacy of sex to be for us?

We should honor GOD FIRST regarding sex as an expression of love within a marriage relationship. Instead, many people, including Christians, casually practice it on OUR OWN TERMS as something to do inside or outside of marriage. But it’s only when we see sex as part of GOD’S PLAN of unifying a man and a woman for His purpose, will we truly understand how beautiful and holy it really is!

David McCall

Executive Pastor