Why is it sometimes so difficult to do what God wants us to do? After all, if we believe He wants the best for us, why wouldn’t we want to do His will?

For me, I’m realizing that it’s because I’m not making the opportunities I need to spend time with Him. And that turns into not doing what God wants me to do. I suppose you could call it “bad spiritual time management.” Sometimes there is a comfort in reasoning, in justifying, why not to do His will. Usually this involves taking the course of least resistance and doing nothing. But at the end of the day, all that does is rob me of His blessing.

So, in my busy-ness I say, “But God you are so faithful in everything and at all times. The sun comes up in the morning, grass is wet from the dew in night. The birds sing and find the food that you have provided for them. Why can’t I be as faithful as You are to me?” For me personally, I think I know why, but that’s for me to wrestle through with God (and I do hope He wins).

When we’re trying to decide what God wants us to do versus not doing what He wants us to do, we can find lots of justifications for NOT following through with God, even though He has given us special gifts to do special things. So, I believe the most important thing is to trust in your gift, knowing that the Holy Spirit has given it to you, and will, therefore, enable and direct you to use it in His timing, not ours. We must understand that our gifts are important and are to be used for the kingdom of God, to grow our local church and to help us become spiritually mature and obedient in Christ.

“Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others, as good managers of the varied grace of God” 1 Peter 4:10 (HCB).

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding” Proverbs 3:5 (HCSB).

Make time. Ask God to reveal your gifts. Then do what He says to do with them.

Toni Ceglia