As I was putting away my Halloween decorations, I noticed that there was not a lot of “stuff“ in my storage room, even though I am a person who usually doesn’t save many things. Sure, I have plastic containers with snap-on lids and roll-on wheels that contain pictures, birthday cards, Christmas cards, notes left by my children when they went off to college; but that’s about it. I’m OK with that.

Some things, however, need to be remembered, should be remembered and are important to remember. I’ve been learning a lot about the Bible these past months. And with that learning I realized how important it is to know God’s word intimately. Important to study it, understand it, remember it and store it away in our hearts.

I have grown in many ways, and in studying the word I came to realize that I love knowing Him, and also realizing that He loves me for wanting to have this closer relationship with Him. I began to remember all the times God was with me; but now I am just realizing He was always there!

Peace comes when there is obedience to His word. I am remembering that the Holy Spirit is indwelling in me and I pray to Him more often than I ever have. I find great comfort in His word because God’s word is truth.

I may not keep or store away many material things; but I am grateful to have learned that studying, learning, and storing God‘s word is a habit I will keep.

“But He answered, ‘It is written: Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’” (Matthew 4:4 HCSB).

Toni Ceglia